If you don’t like pausing mid battle, a mage build might not be for you.
Something to keep in mind before embarking on a new mage build is that it’s going to involve a LOT of spell switching and inventory managment.
Tips For Each School Of Magic In Skyrim.
You can click the links to jump further down the page to the relevant section.) Levitating objects, paralysing your foes, wrapping yourself in dragonhide, repelling the undead and conjuring powerful allies can make you an unstoppable force. But the true power of the skyrim mage comes not just from burning, freezing, electrifying and blowing away the draugr scum infecting your homelands, but from the versatile and creative opportunities afforded by a carefully built mage dovahkiin. Sure, you’re not going to get the same pure damage output as a 15X time sneak attack with a high level dagger. I believe this couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve heard people complain that magic is underpowered in Skyrim.